Karma’s little game


You could be two faced or just cockeyed,
Saying one on the inside, another outside.
Tricking others leaves you feeling empowered,
But all you really are, is a big fat coward.

Why do you peep into other’s souls,
When yours has one of the biggest holes.
Learn to accept everyone’s flaws, in that there is no shame,
In return, you can clear your tarnished name.

Be sure that you are all sorted,
For what you do, will be reported,
Think before pointing that mighty finger,
For karma is watching, and it shall always linger.

The truth will always prevail,
And all lies will one day, unveil.
You tried hard to bury it under six feet of shit.
Unfortunately you will fall into that same abysmal pit.

So why chose this path,
And infuriate karma’s wrath.
It is not that hard to be good and true,
Life will actually be easy, through and through.

Remind yourself of that simple vow,
You only reap, what you sow.
Commit to this mantra and you will be set,
For what you give is exactly what you’ll get.

The seed that is sown is your notion,
Your actions will be its potion.
It can grow into a beautiful plant, or stay an empty pot,
Only you can decide that based on your first thought.

You may think you are smarter than all,
Hiding your tricks behind a shawl.
Suddenly, every thing you touch is breaking apart
For all you know, this bad phase is just the start.

Think about the past and an inflicted sorrow,
Someone got stung by your poisonous arrow.
You could wonder who to blame,
And then karma says, welcome to my little game.

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