Covid19: A test in disguise?

How deafening is this silence?
How blinding is this absenteeism?
How exhausting is this apathy?
How piercing is this pain?
How hard is it to dumb the tongue?
How confining is it to hold yourself back?
How numbing is it to really be aware?
How daunting is it to really refrain?

This isolation, might be a nightmare for many,
But have we really thought about what this earth has now become?
The more she gave, the more we took,
Shamelessly sucked and slurped regardless of the outcome.

Lands dried up; groundwater depleted,
Migration patterns changed; whales died.
Yet we ignore the harbingers of what’s to come,
Living obliviously, with a false sense of pride

She was once kind, vital and benevolent,
But is now sapped, and forced to whirl a storm?
Covid19 is just but a trailer,
For it is high time we start to reform.

With just a few decades left from running out of natural resources,
Yesteryear, was when we should have begun.
But incorrigible as we have been, she had to give us a timeout,
Sending us to our rooms, only to think of what we’ve done.

Let’s treat this downtime like a detox and reconnect with our inner self,
Tapping into our ethics and values that are so deeply implanted.
Little by little, we’ll start to see it clearly,
And realize how much we’ve taken her for granted.

But today is today, and change won’t happen over night,
And we are all knee deep in this ordeal, together
Slowly and steadily, let’s buck up,
Because it’s definitely better to be late, than never.